Saturday, August 4, 2007


Thurman Thomas was one of the greatest "Running Backs" of all-time, and in the history of the National Football League. Thurman was the one most versatile running backs in the late 80's and going into the early 1990's. Thurman was the "Heart and Soul" of the Buffalo Bills Super Bowl run in the 1990's when the Buffalo Bills went to four straight Super Bowls. Thurman was a leader who never gave up even when the Bills lost there fourth straight Super Bowl, he said we will just have to get back up fighting and go to our fifth straight Super Bowl. The Bills never got to that fifth straight Super bowl, but they set a example for the whole Western New York area if you get knocked you must always get back up fighting. The Buffalo Bills never won a Super Bowl but they always showed the character and the heart of a champion.

Friday, August 3, 2007


The Governments across America have failed the American people, so many times in the past four years the American people don't have any trust in the Government when it comes there saftey. Therefore, after watching the bridge collapse in Minneapolis and Hurricane Katrina. Therefore, would you wait around for these clowns to help save your life in a Hurricane. The American people pay all these tax dollars for the Fedaral, State and Local Governments to be as incompetent as all these branches of Government are in America. Then I have to watch and hear these worthless politicans blame each other for there lack of oversight,when it comes to our countries infrastructure. Then, I hear that the bridge had failing grades, but American citizens were allowed to drive over a bridge that failed the Department of Transportation safety requirements. Therefore, either the bridge passed or failed the saftey inspections set down by the Federal Government. If the the bridge failed the test it should have been shutdown until the bridge could pass the Federal Governments inspections. This is why we pay our taxes, for the Government to do there "freakin" job and tell us if there are any saftey problems in our Local infrastructure. I know I seem to be repeating myself, but this tradegy did not have to happen if the Government shutdown the bridge for a few months until it passed the Fereral Government inspection process.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The Republican Party has no leadership at all going into the 2008 gerenal election. It seems everytime I turn on my television the Republicans are doing something foolish. I wake up in the morning yesterday and Sen. Ted Stevens house is being searched by the FBI. Then I have to look at Attoney General Alberto Gonzales everyday being beat across the head with a bat by the Democrats like he was a baby seal. There is no leadership at the Republican National Committee and there is no solid Republican agenda that the rank and file members can get behind for this upcoming election. The Republican Party needs to get four good issues and present them to the American people. I am going to give The Republican Party something to "grasp on" and the issues are border security, balancing the budget, 10 year plan on defeating terrorism and a 10 year Marshall Plan to get us off depending on foreign oil. Therefore, this type of agenda can get some Republicans motivated for the 2008 general election. Finally, start fighting back against these "Thug" like tatics that the Democrats are using on our fellow Republicans in the Congress. Therefore, it is time for President Bush to go gangster on these "Thug" like tatics they are using on the White House and the Republicans in the Congress. The President should use all his Presidential powers to stop the Democratic Party's left wing agenda and expose them to the American people. The President has nothing to lose, so he might as well go out fighting like a real "Conservative Republican".